After being in the automotive industry for 25 years, working with both car manufacturers back in South Africa, owning and operating my own smash repair and custom paint shop for 15 years and working and using many different professional polish and cutting compounds for many years, I finally moved to Australia in late 1999, and found the automotive industry to be a different kettle of fish on this end of the Globe.

In saying that, I have been to other parts of the world to promote my unique range of world class products (GLARE PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS), only find that bad habits die hard, and detailers and car yards who have been stuck in their old ways, will probably always be driven by time constraints, bottom line dollar figures and the amount of time that they are willing to spend on a car and get it out the door.

The so called “detailer”, who is caught between a rock and a hard place,  almost always obliges to keep the dealer happy, at the expense of the unaware paying customer.

The usual scenario is when your new car arrives, a Pre Delivery Inspection (PDI) is done, which you pay a stiff dealer delivery cost for, but the car is usually washed and waxed to a substandard level, made to look good, just long enough to make the delivery. Look at the same car 2 weeks later, and you can see the change. Look at the same car under the correct light, and you will be disgusted at what you just paid for.

Almost every new car brought in to my shop, put under the numerous fluorescent white lights and the 5000w daylight we work under is a very, very sore sight to see.

Talk to a regular detailer, always with a fancy business name, you will be even more disappointed to learn what methods they still use, still very often cannot tell the difference between the different types of paint, and almost always led like sheep and the old 16th century technology. At least 70% I have spoken to, admit they themselves are not happy with the finish achieved, but cannot spend the time or money required to get the job to a more reasonable state.

The Glare Range of products, in comparison to others on the market and when compared to what yards are charging, is really very affordable.

Very often, after speaking to the detailer, car yard or smash repairer about a buff or swirl mark problem, it’s always the same chain of events.

A car, light or dark colour, was not de-waxed and cleaned properly, a clay block was never used to remove the fallout during its transport and storage, the detailer gave it a shot with some cutting compound and most cases, a ‘wool’ pad, and guess what… the result is always the same, a horrible scratched finish, even under natural light, covered with some cheap water soluble swirl remover and wax or polish, that masks the true colour of the car and the inside colour looks better and shinier than the exterior because the yards were too lazy to touch the inside, and have indirectly done you a favour by not ruining that as well.

Take the same car and put it under strong fluorescent lights, and you will be sick to the stomach.

Look at the door jams, under the engine bay and the door rubbers and see the white powder still on the rubbers from the factory and you will know, not much was done for the money charged at PDI.

Talk to an old school detailer and he will tell you Paint Protection does not work.

Talk to a “smart alek” detailer with a fancy business name, who claims to have tried “many” products on the market, but uses and sells so-called professional products the  customer can buy from his local shopping mall, and you will come to the same conclusion – “same bu***hit… different detailer”.

The Glare range is the best, no question. The finish is outstanding and unmatched. The cost very affordable, and the technology and knowledge, way into the 22nd century.

No 2 paint finishes are the same. Paint finishes have changed several times in the last decade. Different cars have different paints, and if the person working on your car cannot tell the difference, you are in the wrong place.

If the car is placed under strong fluorescent light, not outside in natural light, even a layman should be able to recognise a perfect finish.

Working mobile like so many so called paint protection experts claim and do, is a definite no -no.

This must be carried out in a controlled environment.

At an authorised Glare application service centre, you will get

  1. Inspection and Assessment of your car and protection needs.
  2. A detailed solutiondepending on the condition of the car.
  3. A detailed work sheet of the work to be carried out.
  4. A choice of 5 year (Glare Infinity Plus) or 10 year (lifetime Glare Advanced) Paint Seal.
  5. A detailed quote for paint rectification/ correction if required.
  6. A complimentary polish on wheel rims and exterior windows with glassplexin. This makes cleaning easier and stops brake dust sticking to rims.
  7. A full written warranty. 5 year or lifetime, depending on service chosen.
  8. A full aftercare kit with written instructions on maintain your car.
  9. Before and after pictures with a copy of live feed camera shots (available at selected locations).
  10. A discounted priceon any further purchases, including consumables and periodic maintenance if required.

All products used and sold by Infinity Auto Protection is developed and made  through exclusive manufacturing agreements and  rated the best in the world, conform to Boeing standards, and used successfully in 16 countries around the world.

For technical, product info and any general enquiry or free inspection feel free to contact us. You can also get in touch for online training, available to authorised applicators.

The opinions on this page are based on the writer’s experience and personal opinions, not that of Infinity Auto and it’s affiliates.