Whilst we have many users of our vast range of professional products, tools & consumables, our professional paint, fabric , leather & electronic rust protection is governed strictly by quality.

Only selected applicators are authorised to issue our warranties, fully supported by head office.
To ensure we are the best, the strict rule of ONE car, ONE applicator per day applies unconditionally.

To do this successfully in the 8 centres we currently have:

Sydney– City and CBD, including eastern and northern suburbs.
Castle Hill
and western suburbs -NSW

– Qld
– WA

Comprehensive DIY kits available – see e-store for pricing.

We rely on timely & advanced booking to accommodate window tinting which is a mobile practice.

We use 22nd century technology in every aspect of our operation, offer the best & free advise on anything you need to know regarding your car.

We have proven, time over, you will truly enjoy your visit as many before you have & will have peace of mind as we truly treat you & your car in the highest standard. We are second to none.

Our “basic” paint protection service is as follows,

1. Wash 2. Dewax with waterbase dewaxer.

This gives  the applicator a close up feel of the car & removes all waxes & polishes. After all we want the paint back to its natural state & true color before we seal it.

3. If there is any industrial fall out, this is removed by use of liquid clay/ block.

95% of cars done require this, especially if cars were imported or have been standing in holding yards.

4. A precleaner is applied to prepare paint. This step also fills in (it is NOT advisable to buff/cut back fresh uncured paint).

Most dealerships still use 16th century methods, hence the buff marks on new cars. The proper method means they have to spend a few cents more on the car.

5. If there are spiderweb marks (from incorrect washing) or swirl marks (from previous inferior product applied), this is fixed by use of our Spiderweb/ swirl remover.

1- 1.5 hrs additional required. No extra cost incurred.

6. The first coat of paint protection is applied. 7. The final seal coat is applied to the entire vehicle including the exterior windows & wheel rims.

This is left to cure before buffed off.

8. All exterior rubbers, plasticsdoor jams, under bonnet plastics treated as part of our basic service.

9. The car is returned in a better than new condition with a complimentary aftercare kit & instructions on how to look after your car correctly with quality aftercare goods. If required, a copy of before/after pictures can be supplied on disc.

Always remember, the preparation & aftercare is just as important to keep your car in that top condition we returned it.

We offer a lifetime Maintenance plan for those busy owners, without it costing an arm and a leg, whereby, we guarantee the car will look better than the condition it was brought for the *life of the car.

*Ask for details.

All of the above for a basic price for

A small new car $544.00
A medium new car $595.00
A Large new car $625.00
A 4 x4 new $650.00
  • Prices based on 5 year Glare Infinity Plus Protection.
  • Upgrade to our Glare Advanced 10 year/ lifetime warranty for $150. This includes a more comprehensive aftercare kit and 2 extra prep processes
  • Glare Zero and Glare Knockout.
  • See more on our paint protection FAQ page.

You get a travel discount for taxi pick up/drop off as we need the car for approx 3 – 4 hours for basic exterior protection on new car.

Additional time required for the services

On Used Cars, add $100 to appropriate price for scratch removal, unless it does not apply.

Additional 2 hrs for used cars.

Any additional protection product bought at the same time will be discounted, irrespective of size, ie,

Fabric protection $150.00
Leather protection $150.00
Incl door panels /dashboard
Electronic rust $275.00
Window tint $260.00

All above incl gst & warranty & prices subject to service being carried out at time of paint protection.

If in doubt, just drop us an email & we will tailor a package that suits your pocket without compromising quality.

Our warranty is a straight forward, no hitch, no nonsense warranty.

A frequently asked question is “how long will the product last before reapplication?”

Firstly, all our products contain “glassplexin”, a silicate/ liquid glass base. Both transparent & colorless, it is as good as adding an extra layer of paint to your car.

The finish is incredible, as seen on web pictures & many testimonials, the reflection & clarity cannot be compared to your average product.

The products do not mix with water, it actually dispels water, which literally washes itself clean when driven in the rain. The use of our ph balanced wash neutralises acid/chlorine content in recycled water that leaves residue on paint surface, tarnishing the clear mirror finish.

It DOES not affect the immediate benefits of retarding UV rays, bird droppings, acid rain, bug & tar residue.

The use of the supersoft non scratch wash sponge & microfiber chamoise ensures the paint protection layer stands up to its estimated 300 washes, based on one wash per week on average, 52 per year, 260 + washes & a 60 month top up.

The balance of car paint protection is returned to you with a new microfiber cloth for periodic top up to windscreen & wheel rims and/ or filling in surface scratching or 2 top ups.

This can be explained in further detail if required, just send us an email.

Compare before you settle.